Steven Lemmo
1 min readMay 13, 2021


Learn Angular and WebSockets by leveraging your API definitions.

Video below

The value of a good programming example is priceless when trying to learn a new programming technology. For Angular and WebSockets, “Hello World” and “WebSockets Chat” really don’t provide you with enough foundational examples to start building your own application.

Angular now has multiple YouTube video series for learning the framework. Most of these series break down the different features of Angular, leaving the programmer to assemble them together to create their own application. WebSocket’s lacks a known API compiler, thus their respective YouTube videos document very entry-level examples; mostly of simple chat applications sending text messages between users.

Putting these two technologies together creates a complete application from the front-end Angular to the back-end WebSocket server. Imagine if an API complier could generate a complete example of an Angular / WebSocket application from a simple API description!

ObjectRiver’s Free CloudCompiler SDK has mastered the replication of programming patterns. Their toolkit can generate a complete example of an Angular application with a WebSocket backend without any programming. You can even use your own Open API models as an example. Now that’s Low Code!

Watch the following YouTube video that demonstrates this capability.

